
How We Assess

Since the advent of the national curriculum, regular assessments have become a part of school life. Key Stage 1 Assessment is based on teacher judgments,  and Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are taken at the end of Year 6. At the end of Year 1 the children participate in the National Phonics Screening programme and Year 4 take a Multiplication Tables check in the Summer Term. These provide valuable information about the progress of the children individually as well as collectively and allow us to make comparisons with results nationally.

Children are also regularly assessed throughout their school career using a range of tests, questionnaires and observations. These test results indicate how well children are learning and allow us to target, set and put in place plans for future learning.

Informal assessment of the children is ongoing, daily, routine and an intrinsic part of our teaching.

Reporting to Parents/Carers

At Holy Trinity C of E Primary School we have an “Open Door” policy which means teaching staff are available at the end of the school day.  If, however, you wish to speak to a member of staff or the Head Teacher at a different time, please contact the school office to arrange a mutually convenient time.

We are committed to fulfilling our statutory obligation in reporting to parents as we believe it is vitally important to develop positive relationships with all parties, to ensure the links between home and school support the learning of the child.

We begin the year with an opportunity to "Meet the Teacher" followed by parent consultations in the Autumn (Term 1) and Spring (Term 3). These present an opportunity to discuss a child's progress and to set future aspirational targets. Parent workshops are timetabled throughout the year to address specific areas of the curriculum and needs as they arise.

Written progress reports are completed and shared with parents in the Summer (Term 6). 

A copy of our Assessment policy can be found in the Policy Section of this website.