
A copy of our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy and Procedures can be found in the Policy Section of this website.

If you see or hear anything that gives you a concern that a child may be at risk of harm please contact:

During School Hours

Designated Person for Child Protection - Anna Smith (Head Teacher)

Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection -  Fiona O'Reilly and Annette Streames-Smith

Safeguarding Governors - Huw Thomas

SEND Governor - Charlotte King

Health & Safety Governor - Duncan Betts

Telephone Number: 01628 523766

RBWM Local Safeguarding Children Board

Children Services - Early Help and Safeguarding Referral and Assessment Team

8.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Thursday

8.45am to 4.45pm Friday

Telephone Number: 01628 683150

Out of School Hours

5.15pm to 8.45am Monday to Thursday

4.45pm to Friday all weekend till 8.45am on Monday

Telephone Number: 01344 786543